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Mentoring Youth for Leadership (MYL)


Our mentoring program uses caring volunteers to mentor youth ages 7-17 years old who want

and need another positive role model in their lives. Mentoring Youth for Leadership will focus on the Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring in strengthening the capacity of our mentoring program to reduce juvenile delinquency and provide opportunities for lasting change to youth, their families, and their communities through mentoring relationships. All volunteers are asked to spend at least 4 hours a month with their mentees and commit to mentoring for at least one year.


The purpose of mentoring is to encourage and equip under-served youth to realize their potential as positive contributors and leaders in their communities through mentoring relationships.  The program structure is site-based group mentoring where mentors and mentees meet on site for their interactive mentoring sessions. Mentoring is a structured and trusting relationship that brings young people together with caring individuals who offer guidance, support and encouragement aimed at developing the competence and character of the mentee. A mentor is an adult who, along with parents, provide a young person with support, counsel, friendship, reinforcement and a constructive example. Furthermore, mentoring has a powerful impact on dropout rates, juvenile delinquency, substance abuse and other crucial social indicators.


Research confirms that children with a mentor in their lives are:

  • 46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs

  • 52% less likely to skip school

  • 33% less likely to develop violent behaviors

  • More confident of their school work

  • More likely to improve relationships with peers and family members


Urban Coalition


The Urban Coalition is a dynamic monthly dialogue and prayer gathering convened by PLF for pastors and organizations leaders in the Greater Philadelphia region. It is a diverse group of men and women from a variety of denominational backgrounds and differing communities, who all share a love for the city and a desire to serve God in a way that transforms both their own lives and the urban context around them.


Due to COVID-19, in lieu of in-person meetings we will be having monthly meetings via Zoom. 



Call: 215-729-0248


Fax: 215-729-0970





© 2021 Philadelphia Leadership Foundation

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